Frequently asked questions.

Who should apply for the Watershed Coordinator of the Year?

This award is specifically for watershed coordinators in Iowa. If you or someone you know is doing outstanding work in their community to improve water quality and help implement the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, please nominate/apply!

Who should apply for the Impact Awards?

The Impact award is for individuals in the public and private sector who are making a difference in Iowa. That could include environmental specialists, biologists, farmers, land improvement contractors, conservation agronomists, community leaders, business leaders, program staff, etc. There’s one award for the private sector and one for the public sector.

When is the deadline?

The 2023 deadline has been extended until Aug. 15.

When and where will awards be announced?

2022 Award winners will be publicly announced at the Iowa Water Conference in September. Those receiving an award will be notified in advance of the conference so they have time to plan their travel.

Do I apply for myself, or is this a nomination process for my colleagues?

Either - you can nominate a colleague or apply on your own.

If I’ve won before, can I apply again?

Those who have won past Impact Awards or Circle of Excellence Awards may reapply for any award. The Watershed Coordinator of the Year may not apply for an award in the following year (for example a 2022 winner may not apply in 2023, but they can apply again in 2024).

Who are the judges?

The judges include representatives from Conservation Districts of Iowa, Iowa DNR, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.